Vata | Pitta | Kapha

An introduction to your energetically born constitution.


We are all made up of a complex, varying combination of all three Doshas, yet one is typically more prominent than the other from birth.

However, it is also possible to be Tri-doshic. Meaning a balanced combination of all three.


A Dosha is the force of nature within all of us. The Dosha’s have been divided into three main types or “constitutions” — Vata, Pitta + Kapha. As you begin to steep your mind in this Ayurvedic study, know that there are no good or bad qualities to Doshas, as these qualities exist in us all in different amounts, frequencies, times and even at different parts of our life. There are also no Dosha’s that are “better than” the other.

Your Dosha is, on a more subtle and internal level, who you are. In identifying them, they help you to better understand yourself on a deeper more intentional + concious level, as well as, help you to move confidently throughout your life to live with yourself instead of against. Your Dosha(s) are the energetic forces that make up and validate you as you are, which is already innate + beautiful when harnessed to full potential + pure intention.

Doshic qualties are meant to feel intuitive + you might notice that you have qualities of all three! The difference when reading through these can be to understand your Prakruti versus your Vikruti. Typically we share a combination of two of the three doshas for each of these, yet lean predominantly towards one centered dosha. Meaning, you can be a predominantly Vata, but have characteristice of Pitta as well, etc.

Prakruti means “beginning creation” in sanskrit. Your Prakruti is the biological being of star, earth + dust you were born as in your purest, natural state. It is your body, mind + spirit from birth, unchanged. When viewing the Dosha’s to find your prakruti, look at yourself before stress, before aging, before environment wear + tear. Your Prakruti is highly physically telling. How were you born?

Vikruti means “after creation” in sanskrit. Your Vikruti can be seen as the imbalances we face in our daily lives today after we were created. They are all the qualities that take us away from our primal dosha + can be altered by our environments + external influence. When viewing the Dosha’s to find your vikruti, look at yourself from a present day imbalanced perspective. Meaning, you can be a Vata prakruti, as well as a Vata vikruti. (Or Vata-disturbed we call it in Ayurveda-slang) Just as you can be Kapha prakruti with Vata or Pitta vikruti. It’s all an exploration.

Be kind in the process + expand your mind to become curious.




Its qualities are dry, light, quick, light, cold, rough, mobile + clear.


They are the driving energy + force. Vata’s season is the Fall, transitioning + honoring variability in life (hot to cold).

Vata’s can be overruled by The Mind + Overthinking.

Physical Qualities: 

Typically thin boned, skinny, petite bodies. Smaller features (eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands). Difficulty gaining weight or maintaining weight. Dry skin, hair, nails. Often cold, prone to early on wrinkles. Varied appetite, mood, emotion, lifestyle. Higher pitch voice.

Personality Qualities: 

BALANCED — In flow, enthusiastic to life, creative, artist-type, the do-ers and get-ers-done type, inspiring, connected, motivated on the path of life, driven to help others and help self succeed, healers, writers, public speakers, adaptable, whimsical, fast speech, capable, methodical, quick to learn yet forgetful, can be a great ear to hold space for someone, multitasker (for better or worse!), indulged by some form or spiritual work or practice, deep connection to intuition + even psychic abilities, “hoppers” hoping from one thing to the next, broad minded

IMBALANCED — Inability to change, overthinking, mentally exhausted, over-doing, mental disturbances, inability to slow down mentally or physically, hard on self, worst inner critic, comparing self to others, dry, dry, dry in all aspects of life from physicality to mental, uninspired, spacey, unmotivated, constipated, changes mind frequently, lack-lustre, did I mention dry?, nervousness, talking too fast, overly-dramatic, anxious, tense or tight, trouble listening to others, inability to focus, fear, depression, stagnation. Bad dreams or night terrors from the movement of the mind, contradicted, “air-heads”, “worry-worts,” distracted

Anything in EXCESS is Vata.

Vata’s Archetypes —

  • The Creator

  • The Sage/Mentor

  • The Wanderer

  • The Helper

  • The Observer

Vata’s Lifelong Lessons —

  • How to calm down + slow down

  • Staying motivated or knowing when to put motvation to rest + take a break

  • How to Mother themselves + give themselves time for self care or not-doing

  • Satisfaction with all parts of self + life



Its qualities are hot, sharp, mobile, pungent, light, spreading, bitter + spicy.


They transform. Pittas season is Summertime. That's why you might come alive during summer or feel too hot and need the cool the heck down! Fire is intuitive, quick minded, intelligent, action oriented, direct. 

Pitta controls the function of digestion, metabolism and transformation. 

Pitta’s can be overruled by The Blood. “Hot Blooded".

Physical Qualities: 

Naturally muscular or toned body frame, medium strong boned (not frail). All features are typically medium in size (eyes, ears, nose, lips). Typically fuller, sexy features. Skin can be prone to redness or irritation or rosey in complexion. Hair graying earlier in life. Yellowness to skin, teeth or nails.

Personality Qualities: 

BALANCED — Passionate, sharp + focused mind, knowing of the best way to do something, achieving, ability to discern what is best for you, can see a situation clearly, no-bs kind of person, good memory, non-reactive, radiant energy, resilient to change + negativity, theatrical in nature, honest, enthusiastic, go getter, motivational speaker-type, athletic, active, leaders, living life by example, fun, wild, charismatic, courageous, bold, adventurous

IMBALANCED — Frustrated, temperamental, angry, intensity, irritation, words can be combative or judgemental, overly critical of self or others, impulsive, destructive behavior, impatient with self and other, hatred, inflammation, hot-tempered, acts out of line, mad at self, hard on self, can’t see the improvements, has blinders on or cannot admit the truth, stubborn, always has to be right, aggressive, cowardly

Pitta’s Archetypes —

  • The Leader

  • The Rebel

  • The Builder

  • The Challenger

  • The Protector

Pitta’s Lifelong Lessons —

  • Non-reaction to situations

  • Releasing anger in healthy ways

  • Having patience with self and other

  • Forgiveness



Its qualities are dense, oily, smooth, heavy, cool, soft, slow + stagnant. Kapha's are love and liquid (mush).


They hold + nurture. Kapha’s season is Winter. That's why Kapha's have this tendency to be still like you might hibernate in the Winter. 

Kapha controls the function of the lymphatic system and to drain or hold.

Vata’s can be overruled by The Heart + Emotion.

Physical Qualities: 

Naturally big boned and voluptuous, typically told how wonderful their skin is. Plump + cheeky. Healthy gums + teeth. Hair is thick or curly. Joints are well lubricated. Often mucousy. Small appetite, large stool. Naturally sweaty. Typically on the colder side + muscularly flexible.

Personality Qualities: 

BALANCED — Loyal, loving, caring, honest, forgiving, "mushy", supportive, grounded, calm, connected, honey-like, the "glue" in social scenarios or friendships, musicians + singers, liking everyone to get along, able to mother self and others, speech is slow + warm, earthy, in-touch with nature + body, love-bug of the doshas, consistent in plans but can be flakey + cancel, sexuality is important to you, dependable in relationships, kind, living with structure, homebodies

IMBALANCED — Holding on to emotions, fear, sadness, stuck, lonely, depressed, lethargic, sticky, congested, passive, greedy, attached, jealous, lack-of movement or flow through system or energy or exercise, no flow in life, easier to gain weight than lose, hoarding emotions or feelings, sleeping too much, heartbroken, loving + giving energy to the wrong people, melancholy, sleepy, gluttonous

Kapha’s Archetypes —

  • The Mother/ Nurturers

  • The Lover

  • The Guardian

  • The Peacemaker

  • The Giver

Kapha’s Lifelong Lessons —

  • How to live their dreams in the real world not just inner fantasy

  • How to care about themselves just as much as they give + care for others

  • Self-inspiration and motivation to action

  • Letting go

Let this information be an inspiration not a diagnosis.

Interested in learning more or going deeper into this practice? Schedule your free 15 minute consult with K I E R A N, Ray of Light via email. Please allow up to 48 hours for a response.